honey ginger milk pudding

<Ingredients (for 1 person)>


Ginger (use regular ginger, not new ginger)...10g

Honey...1/2 tablespoon (10.5g)

Ginger (grated)...0.5g

<How to make>

1. Grate the ginger, remove about 1 teaspoon of the ginger juice, and put it in a bowl.

*The key is to grate the skin, which contains a lot of enzymes .

2. Heat the milk in a saucepan over medium heat. When small bubbles start to appear and steam rises, turn off the heat. (Temperature is around 70 degrees.)

3. Pour into the container from step 1 and let it stand for about 10 minutes. (*If you mix it, it won't solidify, so let it sit for a while.)

4. Add honey and ginger to complete.

*Please do not give to children under 1 year old as it contains honey.

<Nutritional value (for 1 person)>

Energy 79kcal Protein 2.4g Fat 2.7g Carbohydrate 12.1g

Dietary fiber 0.1g Salt equivalent 0.1g Calcium 78mg


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