Ethnic deep-fried tofu

<Ingredients (for 1 person)>

Fried tofu...100g



A Nampula...1/2 teaspoon (3g)

A Sesame oil...1/2 teaspoon (2g)

A Sugar: 1/6 teaspoon (0.5g)

A Red chili pepper (sliced)...a little

<How to make>

1. Cut the base of the chives, cut into 2-5mm lengths, coarsely chop the peanuts, and mix with the seasonings in A.

2. Cut the fried tofu into bite-sized pieces and fry in a fluorine-treated frying pan over medium heat, turning halfway through, until the surface is golden brown.

3. Mix 1 and 2, serve in a bowl, and serve.

*You can make it even more delicious by squeezing lemon or sudachi to your liking.

<Nutritional value (for 1 person)>

Energy 235kcal Protein 14.0g Fat 18.3g Carbohydrate 4.3g

Dietary fiber 2.0g Salt equivalent 0.7g Calcium 255mg Magnesium 81mg


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