As a way to continue without feeling overwhelmed, why not try incorporating the Mediterranean diet into your daily diet?
◆Let's try it for the first time! mediterranean diet
◆Can I eat convenience store food? ! mediterranean diet
Recommended recipes developed by Sundrug nutritionists and registered dietitians
◆Pumpkin and bean yogurt salad ~Mediterranean style recipe day 2~

A salad made with pumpkin as the main ingredient and seasonal vegetables and beans. It has a rich yet refreshing taste, and is great as a garnish for main dishes.
◆Celery salad ~Mediterranean style recipe day 1~

A refreshing lemon-flavored salad accented with walnuts.
You can also enjoy the tender texture of the octopus and the crunchy texture of the celery!
◆Sautéed Spanish Mackerel in Olive Oil ~Mediterranean Style Recipe Day 3~
Grilled mackerel topped with colorful sautéed seasonal vegetables.
It is one of the dietary methods based on the eating habits of Mediterranean countries, and various studies have shown that it is a healthy diet that increases longevity and reduces the risk of lifestyle-related diseases such as heart disease, obesity, and diabetes. I am.
By adjusting the ingredients and the way you eat, you can naturally prepare a well-balanced diet, which can be expected to have the effect of creating a constitution that is less likely to gain weight.
The Mediterranean diet is based on this pyramid, which divides the frequency of eating ingredients.
Ideally, you should eat more as you go down the list, and eat as little as possible as you go down the list.

1. Eat seasonal vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans, nuts, etc. every day 2. Use olive oil on a daily basis 3. Eat seafood, chicken, eggs, cheese, and yogurt 2-3 times a week 4. 5. Limit the amount of desserts such as beef, pork, sweets, and cakes. Do not miss daily physical activity
The Mediterranean diet does not involve dietary restrictions or excessive exercise.
Rather, it's a diet method that involves eating well.
Why does my constitution become difficult to gain weight even if I eat normally?
By incorporating ingredients from the Mediterranean diet, you can expect the following benefits:
●Blood sugar levels are less likely to rise, making it difficult to store fat ●Contains a lot of dietary fiber, which improves the intestinal environment, allowing unnecessary substances to be excreted and not accumulated ⇒ For a refreshing bowel movement!
●Good quality fats are the main fats, which leads to a decrease in LDL (bad) cholesterol and neutral fats ●Contains a lot of antioxidants, so protects the body from oxidation
◎Points to incorporate into your daily diet
Eat 3 meals a day slowly
Make sure to eat three meals a day without skipping breakfast.
There are no restrictions on the amount or calories you eat, but instead of eating until you're full for all three meals, be sure to eat a big meal during the day when you're physically active, and eat light meals for breakfast and dinner.
Also, try to eat as slowly as possible.
If you eat too quickly, you may end up eating more than you need, and your blood sugar levels will spike, making it easier to store fat.
Make an effort to enjoy your food, and try cutting your food into larger pieces and eating chewy foods so that you will naturally chew more often!
★Points for eating slowly★
① Cut the food into larger pieces ② Increase the number of times you chew (approximately 20 to 30 times for each bite) ⇒⇒ Eating too quickly increases the risk of obesity by more than 4 times! ?
Eat whole grains with low GI carbohydrates at every meal.
For carbohydrates such as bread, noodles, and rice, eat whole grains (unrefined) with a low GI value (*) at every meal.
Whole grains contain a lot of dietary fiber, which slows down the absorption of sugar and causes a gradual rise in blood sugar levels.
As a result, it can be expected to prevent fat accumulation.
Furthermore, dietary fiber stays in the stomach for a long time, so it keeps you full and prevents snacking.
Basically, if you change from white (refined) to brown (unrefined), the GI value will decrease!
*GI value is a value that indicates how much blood sugar rises.
Eat vegetables at every meal, focusing on seasonal green and yellow vegetables.
Eat plenty of colorful, fresh vegetables at every meal.
It can supplement vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. It also has antioxidant properties and can be expected to protect the body from oxidation.
Also, include lots of beans and mushrooms.
use olive oil
Change the oil you use for cooking to olive oil.
Olive oil is rich in oleic acid (unsaturated fatty acid), which can be expected to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol. It also contains a wide variety of polyphenols that have antioxidant properties.
Oleic acid is also said to have the effect of suppressing appetite by stimulating the satiety center.
Olive oil can be broadly divided into two types.
◎Recommended homemade olive oil dressing
2: Olive oil + vinegar + salt and pepper
3: Olive oil + vinegar + white soup stock + yuzu pepper
4: Olive oil + vinegar + soy sauce + wasabi (optional)
5: Olive oil + yogurt + mayonnaise + honey + lemon juice + salt and pepper
◎It is also popular as a delicious addition to sashimi, tofu, yogurt, or added to grapefruit juice!
eat more fish than meat
Eat seafood and dairy products rather than meat.
When eating fish, we especially recommend blue-backed fish. Contains DHA and EPA, which are fats (unsaturated fatty acids) that are good for the body.
EPA can be expected to reduce neutral fat.
[Fish that are rich in DHA and EPA and easy to incorporate]
Choose dairy products that are low in fat, such as cheese and yogurt.
Whenever possible, choose natural rather than processed cheeses.
When eating meat, choose low-fat foods such as chicken breast or fillet, and eat red meat (such as beef or pork) only 2 to 3 times a month.
Make a conscious effort to move your body every day
As seen at the base of the pyramid, daily active physical activity is essential to the Mediterranean diet.
Take the stairs rather than the elevator, walk a little faster to the station or shopping, etc.
It is important to be conscious of moving your body in your daily life, even if you don't do strenuous exercise.
⇒⇒There are also some tips for exercising indoors , so please refer to them.
◎Introducing recipes that incorporate the Mediterranean diet.I made a menu for three days.
Please refer to the materials and instructions on a separate page.
<Menu for the first day> ⇒⇒Materials and how to make
Breakfast: Rye bread, tomato and cottage cheese salad, consomme soup Lunch: Mushroom-rich oil pasta, celery salad
Dinner: Brown rice, grilled chicken breast with herb breadcrumbs, seaweed salad
<Menu for the second day> ⇒⇒Ingredients and how to make
Breakfast: Brown rice bran (nuts and dried fruits)
Lunch: Kimchi fried rice, chicken and avocado salad Dinner: Baguette, canned mackerel ajillo , pumpkin and bean salad
<3rd day menu> ⇒⇒Ingredients and how to make
Breakfast: Potato salad sandwich Lunch: Glutinous barley risotto Dinner: Edamame rice , mackerel sauteed in olive oil , marinated tomatoes and okra
You can incorporate the Mediterranean diet by making good use of simple ingredients that can be purchased at convenience stores.
For example, - Staple food (carbohydrates): brown rice, multigrain rice balls, rye bread, etc. - Main dish (protein): Side dishes using fish or cheese, boiled eggs, salad chicken, etc. - Side dishes (vitamins/minerals): Salad, sticks Vegetables, etc./Desserts: Yogurt, cut fruits, etc.
Unlike diets that require dietary restrictions, the Mediterranean diet recommends eating a well-balanced diet to achieve a healthy body that is less likely to gain weight.
Choose your ingredients while keeping in mind the key points of adopting the Mediterranean style, and continue without feeling overwhelmed!