Easy recipes using "Hondashi®"!

Here are some easy recipes using “Hon-Dashi®”!


Ginger soup with minced meat and dried radish

[Ingredients (for one person)]

minced pork...30g

Kiriboshi radish...5g

A water ... 200 ml

A "Hondashi" ... 1 teaspoon

Grated ginger ... 1/2 teaspoon

Finely chopped green onion (optional)・・・a little

[How to make]

1. Put minced meat, dried daikon radish, and A in a deep, heat-resistant bowl and mix quickly.

2. Cover loosely with plastic wrap and heat in the microwave (600W) for 5 minutes.

3. Stir lightly, sprinkle small green onions to your liking, and voila!

<Nutritional value (per serving)>

Energy 94kcal Protein 6.6g Lipid 5.2g Carbohydrate 4.7g

Salt equivalent 1.2g

Japanese-style hot salad with mushrooms and tuna

[Ingredients (for 4 people)]

Shimeji mushrooms: 100 g (1 pack)

Maitake...100g (1 pack)

Shiitake mushrooms: 100 g (1 pack)

Enoki mushrooms・・・100g (1 bag)

Canned tuna in oil: 80g (1 can)

A soy sauce ... 2 teaspoons

A Mirin: 1 and 1/2 tsp

A "Hon-dashi" ... 1 heaping teaspoon

Roasted white sesame ... 1 tbsp

Finely chopped green onion (optional)・・・Appropriate amount

[How to make]

1. Divide shimeji mushrooms and maitake mushrooms into small bunches. Slice the shiitake mushrooms thinly, and cut the enoki mushrooms in half lengthwise.

2. Place 1 shimeji mushrooms, maitake mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, and enoki mushrooms, canned tuna, and A in a heat-resistant bowl.

3. Add the sesame seeds and mix well.

<Nutritional value (per serving)>

Energy 97kcal Protein 6.9g Lipid 6.3g Carbohydrate 6.8g

Salt equivalent 1.0 g

A simple recipe using "Ajinomoto KK consommé" granules!

Introducing a simple recipe using these "Ajinomoto KK Consomme" granules!

◆Pumpkin Yogurt Mayo Salad

[Ingredients (for 4 people)]

Pumpkin: 400g (1/3 piece)

Mushrooms: 150g (1 pack)

Walnuts ... 1 tbsp

Chopped parsley 2 teaspoons

"Ajinomoto KK Consomme" granule type・・・1 heaped teaspoon

A "Pure Select Kokuuma 65% Calorie Cut" ... 1 tbsp

A plain yogurt 1 tbsp

[How to make]

1. Peel the pumpkin and cut into 2-3cm cubes. Thinly slice the mushrooms and coarsely chop the walnuts.

2. Put the pumpkin in a heat-resistant bowl, wrap it loosely, and heat it in the microwave (600W) for 5 minutes.

3. When the heat is removed, add the consommé and mix well. Add the mushrooms, walnuts, parsley, and mixed A from Step 1, mix well, and it's done!

<Nutritional value (per serving)>

Energy 111kcal Protein 3.3g Lipid 2.6g Carbohydrate 20.2g

Salt equivalent 0.5g

I also used this “Pure Select® Kokuuma® 65% Calorie Cut”!


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