管理栄養士監修レシピ *米粉と豆乳の桜もち風* 2024.3

[Materials] (6 pieces)

Rice flour...30g

Potato starch...10g

Soy milk (unadjusted)...40ml

Strawberry jam...1 tablespoon

Oil...appropriate amount

Koshian (tube)...appropriate amount

[How to make]

① Add rice flour, potato starch, and soy milk and mix with a spoon.

*Add the flour little by little and mix to prevent lumps.

Once mixed to a certain extent, add the strawberry jam and mix well.

②Heat the oil in a frying pan, and once it's hot, turn the heat down to low and pour the batter into it using the spoon you used to mix it. (About 1 cup) Use the back of a spoon to roll out the dough into a thin circular shape.

*The key is to bake the dough thinly!

③ When the surface of the dough becomes dry, turn off the heat, flip it over, and let the remaining heat cook the other side.

④ Place the red bean paste in the middle of the finished dough and sandwich it between the two to complete!

~A word from a registered dietitian~

Sakura mochi is generally made using ``Domyoji flour'' (glutinous rice flour), but since it is not something many households have on hand, we came up with an easy recipe that can be made using rice flour.

It's less chewy than regular Sakura Mochi, but you can enjoy a smoother texture.


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