簡単!オートミールレシピ 2024.1

[Ingredients] (For 2-3 people)


Tofu bar (firm tofu is also OK)...80g

Nanakusa set (40g radish + 2-3 radish leaves if not available)

Egg...1 piece

A Water...300ml

A Chicken soup base...1 teaspoon

A Salt...a little bit

Sesame oil...1 tablespoon

(optional) Roasted sesame seeds...appropriate amount

[How to make]

① Cut the tofu bar into bite-sized pieces. For the Nanakusa, cut the radish (turnip) into small pieces and chop the other leaves.

②Put the oatmeal, tofu bar, Nanakusa, and A into a heat-resistant container, cover with plastic wrap, and heat in the microwave (600W) for 3 to 4 minutes.

*Please adjust the heating time depending on your microwave.

③ Add the beaten eggs to ②, cover with plastic wrap and heat for another minute, then finish with sesame oil and it's done!

★Please sprinkle with roasted sesame seeds if you like.


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