In addition, "Femtech" is attracting attention because it is said that just having the understanding of those around you makes you feel better about women's peculiar disorders and worries, and that you can improve your performance by working according to your cycle. .
"Femtech" is a coined word from Fmeale + Technology, which aims to solve physical and mental problems faced by women (female) with technology.
We offer a wide range of care products and services, mainly in the genres of menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause.
Products such as menstrual management apps, menstrual cups, cleansers and oils for sensitive areas, and vaginal training items that prevent urine leakage are being developed one after another to address women's unique health problems.
For example, the application "Luna Luna" that predicts menstruation and ovulation dates is a long-established femtech service in Japan provided by MTI Co., Ltd.
Items that incorporate Femtech are being developed for various scenes, such as examinations for women's specific diseases, fertility treatment, and childbirth and childcare.
The 5th goal of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), "Gender Equality (*)", and the diversity of the workplace are progressing, and everyone is working together.
There are many different kinds of physical troubles, and of course everyone has them, regardless of gender.
Now that various values are recognized, I would be happy if you could use this "enjoshey!" am.
* The following content is shown as a method for realizing Goal 5 of the SDGs “Gender Equality”
5.b Strengthen the use of enabling technologies, including ICT, to promote the empowerment of women.
5.c Adopt and strengthen sound policies and binding legislation for the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls at all levels.
Approximately 1 in 2 people have problems specific to women that affect their work
There are about 9,500 women working at Sundrug. (as of June 2021)
According to the survey, about one in two women answered that they had troubles at work due to menstrual or menopausal symptoms, indicating that they are working while having some kind of trouble. I was.
Women are exposed to waves of female hormone fluctuations throughout the month (menstruation) and throughout their lives (puberty ⇒ maturity ⇒ menopause ⇒ old age).
On the other hand, not all physical ailments are problems for female Mormons. Nutritional problems such as skipping breakfast may be hidden, so it may be necessary to review your diet and lifestyle.
Along with talking about female hormones, we will also provide information on diet and lifestyle habits.
Women's health is not something that only women should learn.
Half of Sundrug employees are men. I want men to understand women who are trying their best.
I also think that women need opportunities to learn about men's health.