postal code/address
5-17-32 Sumiyoshi-cho, Fuchu-shi, Tokyo 1830034
5-17-32 Sumiyoshi-cho Fuchu City Tokyo (Map)
Phone number/Fax number
Telephone 042-330-1220 FAX 042-352-3231
business hours
9:00-18:00, 9:00-17:30 on Wednesdays, closed on Sundays and public holidays
Equipment, etc.

Payment methods available at stores

Nearest station
  • Keio Line Nakagawara (290m)
  • Keio Line Seiseki-Sakuragaoka (1080m)
  • JR Nambu Line Nishifu (1520m)


・In the "store with parking lot",
This includes stores that issue parking tickets.
・"Stores with parking lots" include stores that issue parking tickets.
・Business hours may change due to weather conditions such as year-end and New Year holidays, typhoons, heavy snow, etc.
・The aisles may become narrower before the store closes due to the storage of over-the-counter products inside the store.