・This pharmacy has a system for online qualification confirmation.
・Our pharmacy obtains and utilizes medical history, drug information, specific health checkup information, and other necessary information to perform dispensing.

Postal code/address
5798061 2-2-44 Rokumanji-cho, Higashiosaka-shi, Osaka
2-2-44 Rokumanji-cho Higashiosaka City Osaka Prefecture (Map)
Phone number/Fax number
Phone 072-920-7578 FAX 072-920-7578
business hours
Monday to Friday 10:00 to 14:00, 15:30 to 19:30 Saturday 10:00 to 14:00 Closed on Sundays and holidays
Equipment etc.

Payment methods available in store

nearest station
  • Kintetsu Nara Line Hyoutanyama (1290m)
  • Kintetsu Nara Line Higashihanazono (1740m)
  • Kintetsu Nara Line Hiraoka (2290m)


・This is a specialty pharmacy.
・Business hours may change due to year-end and New Year holidays or weather conditions such as typhoons or heavy snow.
・Business hours vary depending on the day of the week.