・It is a pharmacy that has a system for online qualification confirmation.
・Our pharmacy obtains and utilizes medical history, drug information, specific medical examination information and other necessary information to dispense medicines.

postal code/address
9591825 1122-1 Ota, Gosen City, Niigata Prefecture Haranobu Gosen Shopping Center
Inside Harashin-Gosen Shopping Center, 1122-1 Shishibuchi Gosen City Niigata Prefecture (Map)
Phone number/Fax number
Telephone 0250-43-8118 FAX 0250-43-8118
business hours
Mon-Fri 9:30-14:30/15:30-18:30
Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays
Equipment, etc.

Payment methods available at stores

Nearest station
  • JR Ban-etsu West Line Gosen (1180m)
  • JR Ban'etsu West Line North Gosen (1380m)
  • JR Ban-etsu West Line Shinseki (3330m)