・It is a pharmacy that has a system for online qualification confirmation.
・Our pharmacy obtains and utilizes medical history, drug information, specific medical examination information and other necessary information to dispense medicines.

postal code/address
8410005 1-32 Yayoigaoka, Tosu City, Saga Prefecture
1-32 Yayoigaoka Tosu City Saga Prefecture (Map)
Phone number/Fax number
Telephone 0942-81-3522 FAX 0942-81-3523
business hours
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday 9:00-13:30, 15:00-18:30
Thursdays, Sundays, public holidays, year-end and New Year holidays (12/31-1/3)
Equipment, etc.

Payment methods available at stores

Nearest station
  • JR Kagoshima Main Line Yayoigaoka (270m)
  • Amagi Railway Amagi Line Tateno (1620m)
  • Amagi Railway Amagi Line Kiyama (2040m)


・Category 1 drugs may not be sold depending on the time of day.
・"Stores with parking lots" include stores that issue parking tickets.
・Business hours may change due to weather conditions such as year-end and New Year holidays, typhoons, heavy snow, etc.
・The aisles may become narrower before the store closes due to the storage of over-the-counter products inside the store.