【健康レシピ】~時間栄養学〜 パート3 l2023.8月 更新

This is the third installment of chrononutrition.
Did you know that there is a time difference in your body without you even realizing it? ?
We will tell you how to avoid the time difference!

☆Chrononutrition ~Part 3~☆

◆Internal jet lag

◆What should I do?

[Recipes recommended by Sundrug nutritionists and registered dietitians]

◆Shrimp broccoli tartare

◆Nanohana milk soup

internal jet lag

Previous story >>> Please see "Chrononutrition - Part 1" and "Chrononutrition - Part 2" .

When you travel abroad, day and night suddenly become reversed, causing jet lag. Your body will try to adjust to this, so even a 10-hour shift can be reversed within a week or two.

However, if your daily life gradually shifts by a few minutes a day, your body will work hard without noticing the time difference. If you leave a 30 minute gap a day unchecked, you'll end up with a gap of 3.5 hours a week, or 15 hours a month. Since it is reset little by little every day, I don't think there are many people who have a gap of even half a day, but even that small gap can cause insomnia .

Such people may have a discrepancy in their ``body clock.''

The clock in your body may be moving randomly without you even realizing it. If you have any questions, please reset them as soon as possible. Click here for the reset method ⇒ Chrononutrition ~ Part 1 ~

What should I do?

Even if you know how to reset, you may not be able to do it the way you want due to your work or lifestyle.

We will introduce ways to put as little stress on your body as possible and to keep your ``internal clock'' from slipping.

・Be conscious of the balance of breakfast: lunch: night = 3:3:4 when it comes to the amount of food you eat each day!

Japanese people tend to eat a lot of dinner with a ratio of 2:3:5. Your body recognizes a meal after a long fasting period as "breakfast," so if you eat too much at dinner, the nutrients won't be used up, and your body clock won't reset when you eat breakfast the next day. Try to eat your meals within 12 hours each day to give yourself enough time to eat.

If you work in shifts or work a lot of overtime, it may be difficult to eat meals late or within 12 hours.

If your dinner is after 9pm, we recommend splitting your meal. As I talked about last time ( ⇒Chrononutrition ~Part 2~ )

After 7pm, the gene that stores fat in the body (BMAL1) increases.

Therefore, if you have to eat late, try to have a snack or nutritional supplements in the evening, and eat light meals when you get home.

・Do not snack at 1 o'clock!

This time is said to be the time when the body clock is most likely to be disrupted. If you have a habit of eating late night snacks, avoid this time.

・Avoid high-fat foods

You should be careful not to eat too much fatty food, as it will weaken your body's internal clock.

*However, it is said that fish fat greatly changes the body clock, so be sure to consume it actively. It is recommended to eat it in the morning as it is better absorbed!

Since the body cannot be consciously controlled, it is important to correct any imbalances and maintain balance .

When you're busy, try to be in touch with your body.

Reference: National Agriculture and Food Research Organization Food Research Division: Chrononutrition
Reference: Changing the time you eat will make you healthier Introduction to chrononutrition Author: Akiko Furuya Supervised by: Shigenobu Shibata


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